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South Sudan Early Warning Bulletin on disaster preparedness and response

South Sudan's Ministry of Humanitarian Affairs and Disaster Management in collaboration with Relief and Rehabilitation Affairs earlier this week launched a National Multi Hazard Early Warning Bulletin that aims at communicate risks and policy options more effectively to decision-makers for emergency preparedness and response between June and August 2017.

In his official remarks, the Executive Director of Relief and Rehabilitation Commission, Peter Dut said that the official launch of the Bulletin marks it's official dissemination and that everyone is expected to participate in the dissemination process so that the information may reached the common in the rural areas who is the most vulnerable.

He called on Media and the Technical Working group to ensure that the information reaches those who are living  at disaster prone areas. He appreciated the WFP for sponsoring the production of the bulletin and he calls for their continues support more especially in the areas of capacity building and other related areas.

He concluded that, absence of efficient Early Warning System will bogged down the efforts been put forward to reduce disaster and it's devastating effects. While delivering his speech, the WFP Deputy Country representative Simon Cammelbeech pledged that the UN  agency will continue supporting the government and the entire Country.

He furthermore said that WFP was  committed to fight hunger  with a special emphasis on South Sudan. According to him, South Sudan is prone to various humanitarian socks and that, the complexity of the situation can be linked to climate and other factors. He further said, the bulletin will act as a reference to decision makers and planners to consult when needs arises.

It will help the policy and decision makers develop some models, approaches, policies , activities, and programs on disaster reduction. The launch was made under the Theme; Early Warning Action begins with information. The exercise was attended by a number of actors. International and Local Organizations, Development partners, Government representatives and the members of the high Technical Working Group.

By: Alex Amin from Juba/ South Sudan.
